(2025) “Linguistic Justice and the Problem of Benevolent Exclusion”, International Conference on Epistemic and Linguistic Justice, Tilburg University
(2024) “A Pluralist Account of Epistemic Injustice and Agency”, International Conference on Epistemic Injustice, Tokyo
(2024) “How Should We Frame Autism? An Ameliorative Proposal”, Symposium, Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) Conference, New Orleans
(2024) “Reclaiming Embodiment and Affectivity in Autism: Resisting Neuronormativity Using Epistemic Justice and 4E Cognition”,Conference on Marginalized Body Epistemologies and 4E Cognition, Spelman College, Atlanta
(2024) “Epistemic Injustice, Transformative Experience, and Epistemic Empowerment: Reclaiming the Public Discourse on Neurodiversity”,Conference on Epistemic Injustice in Public Arguments, NOVA University, Lisbon
(2024) “Epistemic Reparations: The Case of Belgium and the Congo”, Workshop on Epistemic Agency,Harms, and the Right to Be Known, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg
(2024) “Persons, Algorithms, and Mental Disorders/Cognitive Diversity”, Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) Pre-workshop, Purdue University
(2024) “Disabling Epistemic Injustice” Workshop on Recognition, Epistemic Justice and Disability, University of Zurich
(2024) “A Pluralist Conception of Epistemic Injustice and Agency”, Keynote for conference on epistemic injustice, ACFAS Congress, University of Ottawa
(2024) “Epistemic Injustice and Freedom of Speech”, Chaire COLIBEX, UQAM
(2024) “Navigating Academia as a Neurodivergent Person”, Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Talk, Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University
(2024)“Feminist Philosophy of Emotion” Invited Session – Commentator, American Philosophical Association (APA), Central Division Meeting, New Orleans
(2024) “Identifying Principles of Justice for Emancipatory Research in the Context of Neurodiversity”,Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA), Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study
(2024) “Epistemic Injustice as Epistemic Domination: A Structural Explanation of Epistemic Agency”, Workshop on epistemic oppression, ACEPS, University of Johannesburg
(2023) “Colonial Memory, Epistemic Injustice, and Political Equality” Symposium on Remembering Injustice, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(2023) “Identifying Principles of Justice for Emancipatory Research in the Context of Neurodiversity” Colloquium Series, Philosophy, Western University
(2023) “A Pluralist Account of Epistemic Injustice and Agency” International Conference on Epistemic Justice, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (online)
(2023) “Epistemic Injustice as Epistemic Domination: A Structural Explanation of Epistemic Agency” International Conference on Structural Domination, TU Dresden
(2023) “Principles of Justice for Participatory Research in the Context of Neurodiversity” Rocky Mountain Ethics (RoME) Congress, University of Colorado-Boulder
(2023) “Principle of Justice for Emancipatory Participatory Research with Autistic Adults” Alter Congress, Paris
(2023) “Transformative Experience, Hermeneutical Breakthroughs, and Becoming Who You Are” Feminist Philosophy Workshop, Southwestern Ontario Feminist Philosophers, Toronto
(2023) “Toward Epistemic Justice in Participatory Research with Autistic Adults” ACFAS Congress, Montreal
(2023) “Epistemic Injustice and the Language of ‘Ignorance’” Symposium on Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance, CRÉ, Université de Montréal
(2023) “Feminist Philosophy of Imagination” Invited Session – Commentator, American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco
(2023) “A Pluralist Conception of Epistemic Injustice and Agency” Keynote, Graduate Conference, University of Montreal
(2023) “Autism and Epistemic Injustice” Invited Session – The Philosophy of Neurodiversity, American Philosophical Association (APA), Central Division Meeting, Denver
(2023) “Transformative Experience, Hermeneutical Breakthroughs, and Becoming Who You Are” Colloquium Series, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Ohio
(2023) “Decolonizing Social Memory: Epistemic Injustice and Political Equality” Workshop on Decolonizing Epistemic Injustice, Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (online)
(2022) “Epistemic Injustice and Epistemic Authority on Autism” Conference on Philosophy, Disability and Social Change 3, University of Oxford (online)
(2022) “Linguistic Justice and Neurodiversity” Linguistic Justice Society Webinar Series, KU Leuven (online)
(2022) “Epistemic Injustice and Public Policy” Keynote, Graduate Conference in Ethics and Public Affairs 2022, Carleton University, Ottawa
(2022) “Addressing Power in the Representation of Minoritized Linguistic Interests” Conference on Authority, Power and Language, University of Limerick
(2022) “Eurocentrism, Philosophy, and Academic Excellence” Re-Reading the Canon Series, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (online)
(2022) “Dancing Toward Epistemic Justice: An Embodied Account of Epistemic Agency” (with Camille Zimmermann et Pierre Poirier), 4E Cognition & Social Justice Conference, University of Wollongong (online)
(2022) "A Pluralist Account of Epistemic Injustice and Agency” International Conference on Epistemic Injustice, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
(2022) “Injustice Épistémique: Introduction et Survol” Laboratoire Savoirs, Textes, Langage (STL), Université de Lille
(2022) “Disabling Philosophy in the Canadian Context” Panel organized by Shelley Tremain, Canadian Philosophical Association (online)
(2022) “Injustice Épistémique: Introduction et Survol” Perspectives Féministes en Sociologie Politique, Université de Lille (en ligne)
(2022) “Decolonizing Epistemic Power: Epistemic Injustice, Political Equality, and Colonial Memory” Conference on Epistemic Injustice, ACEPS, University of Johannesburg (en ligne)
(2022) “Decolonizing Social Memory: Epistemic Injustice and Political Equality” International Conference on Decolonizing Epistemic Injustice, University of Potsdam (online)
(2022) “Transformative Experience and Hermeneutical Breakthroughs” American Philosophical Association (APA), Central Division Meeting, Chicago
(2022) “Colonial Memory and Epistemic Injustice” Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans
(2022) “Autism and Epistemic Disablement: A Relational Account of Epistemic Agency” Symposium Paper (with Luc Faucher & Pierre Poirier), Eastern APA, Baltimore
(2022) “Epistemic Injustice and Agency in Cultural Approaches to Psychiatry” Invited Panel (with Luc Faucher & Pierre Poirier), AAPP, Eastern APA, Baltimore
(2022) "Addressing (Neuro)Ableism in Philosophy: Equity and Accessibility for Autistic Students" Disabled Philosophers Panel, Teaching Hub, Eastern APA, Baltimore
(2021) “Dancing Toward Epistemic Justice: An Embodied Account of Epistemic Agency” With Camille Zimmermann & Pierre Poirier, American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), Montreal
(2021) “Epistemic Injustice and Empowerment for Autistic Women: The Role of the Internet” Workshop on the Epistemology of the Internet, ACEPS, University of Johannesburg (vidéo)
(2021) “Epistemic Injustice, Intersectionality, and Autism” Conference on Speciesism and Discrimination, CRÉ & GRÉEA, Montreal (vidéo)
(2021) “Transformative Experience, Hermeneutical Breakthroughs, and Autism” Rocky Mountain Ethics (RoME) Congress, University of Colorado-Boulder
(2021) “Justice épistémique et autorité épistémique: l’exemple de l’autisme” Séminaire d'Été pour la Diversité (SÉDI) en Philosophie, UQAM (en ligne; en ligne avec interprétation en LSQ)
(2021) "Epistemic justice and epistemic authority on autism" Philosophy of Psychiatry Webinar, Montreal (en ligne)
(2020) ‘Ignorance blanche, injustice herméneutique et économie de l’intelligibilité’ Plénière pour la journée de lancement, Philopolis, Montréal (en ligne)
(2020) “Metaepistemic Injustice and Intellectual Disability: A Pluralist Account of Epistemic Agency” Social Justice Theory Workshop, Concordia Social Justice Centre and CRÉ, Montreal (en ligne)
(2020) “Academic Migration, Linguistic Justice, and Epistemic Injustice” Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME XIII: This Time It’s Remote), Boulder, Colorado (en ligne)
(2020) “Discriminating Among Types of Epistemic Agency: Epistemic Justice for Humans and Other Animals” Conference on Speciesism and Discrimination, GRÉEA and CRÉ, Montreal (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Academic Migration, Linguistic Justice, and Epistemic Injustice” American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Colonial Memory, Epistemic Injustice, and Political Equality” Society for Analytical Feminism, American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Epistemic Justice and Transformative Experience” Keynote, New Orleans Philosophical Society Graduate Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Global Minorities, Structural Injustice, and the Right to Colonial Memory” Conference on Global Structural Injustice and Minority Rights Northeastern University, Boston (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Colonial Memory and Epistemic Injustice” Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans (Annulée en raison de Covid-19)
(2020) “Academic Migration, Linguistic Justice, and Epistemic Injustice” Society for Analytical Feminism, American Philosophical Association (APA), Central Division Meeting, Chicago
(2020) “Colonial Memory and Epistemic Injustice” CEPA Seminar Series, Murphy Institute, Tulane University, New Orleans
(2019) “Economic Migration in Academia: English as Lingua Franca and Epistemic Injustice” Workshop on Linguistic Rights and Duties of Migrants, KU Leuven
(2019) “Epistemic Injustice, Academic Excellence, and Underrepresentation in Philosophy” Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) Conference, Wollongong
(2019) “Epistemic Injustice, Academic Excellence, and Underrepresentation in Philosophy” Conference on Excellence and Gender Equality, Australian National University, Canberra
(2019) “Injustice épistémique: survol du concept” Journée d’étude, IREF, UQAM
(2019) “Multicultural Literacy, Epistemic Injustice, and White Ignorance” Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics, University of Louvain
(2019) “Epistemic Injustice, Epistemic Agency, and Cognitive Disability” Conference on Epistemic Injustice, Reasons, and Agency, SWIP-UK, University of Kent, Canterbury
(2019) “Épistémologie sociale, épistémologie féministe et injustice épistémique” Plénière pour la Journée de philosophie analytique, Université Laval
(2019) “Epistemology of Ignorance” GRIPP methods workshop, McGill University, Montreal
(2019) “Epistemic Injustice and Cognitive Disability” - Society for Analytical Feminism American Philosophical Association (APA), Central Division Meeting, Denver
(2018) “Injustice épistémique et agentivité politique: représentations sociales et économie de la crédibilité” Conférences Midi, Centre de Recherche - Cultures Arts Sociétés (CELAT), UQAM
(2018) “Epistemic Injustice: When Biases Interfere with What (or Whom) We Believe and Understand” Professional Speaker Series, École de Langues, UQAM
(2018) “Injustice épistémique et agentivité politique: représentations sociales et économie de la crédibilité” Atelier multidisciplinaire, Département de philosophie, UQAM
(2018) “L’injustice épistémique: Leçons pour l’enseignement de la philosophie” Programme de formation collective, Cégep de Joliette, Québec
(2018) “Injustice épistémique et handicap cognitif” Série travaux en cours, Département de philosophie, UQAM
(2018) “Epistemic Injustice and Cognitive Disability” Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA), Annual Congress, Montreal
(2018) “Injustice et agentivité épistémiques” Série travaux en cours, Département de philosophie, UQAM
(2018) “Individual Virtues vs Oppressive Structures: Epistemic Agency and Injustice” Virtue and Moral Reasoning under Oppressive Social Conditions, Concordia University, Montreal
(2017) “Épistémologie sociale, épistémologie féministe et injustice épistémique” Plénière pour le colloque Pensées féministes et épistémologie, Université de Montréal
(2017) “Stereotype Threat and Epistemic Injustice” Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA), Annual Congress, Toronto
(2017) “Stereotype Threat and Epistemic Injustice” American Philosophical Association (APA), Pacific Division Meeting, Seattle
(2016) “Stéréotypes et injustice épistémique” Série travaux en cours, Département de philosophie, UQAM
(2016) “Stereotypes and Epistemic Injustice” GRIPP Faculty Session, McGill University, Montreal
(2016) “Crédibilité et intelligibilité dans la sphère sociale: L’injustice épistémique” Série travaux en cours, Département de philosophie, UQAM
(2016) “Injustice épistémique et politique publique” Série de conférences départementale, Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal
(2015) “Colonialism and Epistemic Injustice” Workshop on Historical Injustice, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Allemagne
(2015) “Démocratie et confiance: La place de la justice épistémique” Série de conférences départementale, Département de philosophie, UQTR
(2014) “Feminist Standpoint Theory” Methods workshop, GRIPP, McGill University
(2014) “National Culture and Epistemic Injustice” Colloquium Series, Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal